Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Museum of Sex. Yep.

Me to Scott: "I want to blog about this but I'm not sure what to say except that we went."

There are a lot of museums in New York City. This past weekend we went to the Museum of Sex. And yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. And if that makes you want to giggle, go right ahead.

Like I said, I really don't know what to say about it except that we went. It was fun.

This is the only picture I took. It was the only thing I was comfortable posting here on the blog.

Please do not...

One thing I can say for sure, the Museum of Sex will change your perspective on things. (This was right after we left the museum.)

The famous Flatiron Building


Holly Diane said...

On one of the millionaire matchmaker episodes on Bravo TV the guy took his date looked like a fun place to visit but I don't know about a first

Senegal Daily said...

That's awesome. I'd love to go next time we're in NYC... which happens once every 29 years or so ;)

Sara said...

This is hilarious. I've been to the Museum of Sex too! (Hey, it's cheap and you can be sure it won't be boring :) It's a really interesting place.