Distance from Shorter College: 881 miles
Approximate number of students there: 1000
Chances I'd run into someone I know in a city of 8.3 million people 881 miles away from a school we went to that only had 1000 people: I have no idea, I'd say not much, but it happened anyway.
And if you spend the rest of the day with "It's a small world after all" stuck in your head, then my job here is done.
You're so funny.
Who was it??
It just means you have to behave - wherever you are!
I'm still jealous of the way you turn a phrase.
Kari, it was Misti Freeman. I'm sure you know her. I saw her at church and thought, that girl totally looks like her. Ran to Facebook first thing, and sure enough, she moved to Brooklyn in 2008 :)
Chiming in late, but I just have to say: In NYC a couple of years ago, we ran into a kid I grew up with - a next door neighbor through middle and high school. Literally, just bumped into him. How is that possible? Totally, totally crazy.
Great post! Makes you think. Not enough to want to do all that math, but definitely makes you think ;)
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