Alright here's the deal. These are quotes from 11 of my favorite movies (in no particular order). You guess where they're from. I'll cross them out when guessed correctly. No Google or IMDB cheating!
The most beautiful thing in the world is a match well made. Emma2.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. Moulin Rouge3.
Come. We must return. Those two fools who run my theatre will be missing you. Phantom of the Opera4.
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. When Harry Met Sally5.
My father was an excellent swordsman, monsieur. He taught me well. Now hand me that key or I swear on his grave I will slit you from navel to nose. Ever After6. Mumbler!
You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. Pride and Prejudice8.
Weiners! I got hot weiners! Never Been Kissed9.
Did I mention, my leg is 44" from hip to toe. So basically we are talking about 88" of therapy, wrapped around you for the bargain price of $3000 dollars. Pretty Woman10.
You idiots. We've all got swords! Aladdin11.
I know something of a woman in a man's profession. Yes, by God, I do know about that. Shakespeare In Love
#10 = Aladdin. You and your sister could quote every line!
#5... dang, you nearly wore that one out. Drew Barrymore, Cinderella, but can't remember the title.
4 and 9 and really familiar, but I can't place them! Is 9 Pretty Woman?
Actually, Jonathan got them both right! (We Googled to check.)
OK - they all look familiar!! The ones I know off-the-bat (without cheating!) are:
1 - Emma (right?)
4 - When Harry Met Sally (I LOVE this line - and it's SO true!)
5 - Ever After
7 - Pride and Prejudice (the one with Keira Knightley) and oh my gosh, this is one of my favorite films!!
9 - Pretty Woman
11 - Shakespeare in Love (??)
Wow, Nicole. Impressive! Especially #1 :)
#2 = Moulin Rouge
#3 Phantom of the Opera
I was trying to figure out which line was from "Once"
#8 isn't Austin Powers is it?
OK, is #8 Fever Pitch, the scene where he's grilling in park?
No, but #8 does also star Drew Barrymore and ends with a scene in a ballpark...
OH! I know #8 now! But I'll give somebody else a chance...
Ok, #8 is Never Been Kissed. One to go!
Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp to Mike TeeVee)
Your magazine interview comes out in a couple weeks- I guess Kari has your address to mail you a copy? If not, email it to one of us so you can see your glossy debut!
Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp to Mike TeeVee)
Your magazine interview comes out in a couple weeks- I guess Kari has your address to mail you a copy? If not, email it to one of us so you can see your glossy debut!
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